Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the best way to keep cut flowers fresh?

I am a Floral Designer..... Replacing the water every 2-3 days and triming a little of the stems is the best way. Your florist should have given you a flower packet of floral food to add to the water. If you did not receive one, go back and get one. This has special food made for flowers.

What is the best way to keep cut flowers fresh?
I seem to remember that adding a quarter of an asprin to the water does the trick! Goodness knows what deep recess that came from but it sounds reasonable
Reply:This may sound weird but I guarantee that it works!

First, put a drop or two of ordinary househould bleach in the water in the vase, then make sure there are no leaves below the surface of the water. I have kept flowers fresh for two weeks by doing this.
Reply:Every other day change the water and trim 1/4" at a sharp angle. Only fill water to about 3" from the bottom as that will help preserve freshness. Add a 1/4 tsp of sugar or 1/2 an asprin (only asprin, not tylenol)
Reply:Trya few drops of peroxide.It givesoff oxygen. I use it in my houseplants.
Reply:sprite mixed into the water and cut the stems at a 45 degree angle at base.
Reply:water in a vase.

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